No matter who you are, we can all do with a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to help us find our way or give us encouragement and support. Shield Bearer has been providing licensed counseling for those throughout Greater Houston since 2005. Over 65% of our tens of thousands of clients over the years have had nowhere else to turn. They couldn’t afford counseling services and they were in desperate circumstances.
In addition to licensed counseling, Shield Bearer has provided community programs and professional development training. We want to expand those services. We know there are many empathic individuals in our community who would love to assist others with their challenges and fulfill their potential. We are in the process of bringing our training, development programs, workshops, and educational programs online so that we can provide even more opportunities for those in our communities to grow and live well.
Shield Bearer has a long history of partnering with those in the community who want to serve and make an impact. There are many initiatives in the works at Shield Bearer for those who want to get involved. We have brought on additional staff, we’re about to launch our brand new website, initiate our online professional development and community education programs, and we’re reengaging with the communities in our area through events after a long break due to the pandemic. It’s a bright future full of promise and excitement and we continue to be dedicated to Shield Bearer’s mission to bring healing and restoration to all those who have experienced hardship, brokenness, and loss and have nowhere else to turn.
If you would like to be involved in our community events, our community education programs or professional development initiatives you are encouraged to reach out to us to learn more. Keep on the lookout for our brand new website and follow us on social media.
Thad Cardine,
Executive Director