I am thrilled to announce that Shield Bearer will be moving to a bigger and better location across the street on Jones Road. Excitement is growing. Our approximate move date is January 2022, and our new office address will be:
12337 Jones Road; Suite 114
Houston, TX 77070
We will be located on the first floor of the four-story Wells Fargo Building. This relocation is more than just a move, but also an expansion of our services and offices. Shield-Bearer is serving more people and providing more services. We are humbled by the opportunity to offer such life-healing services to families and individuals.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers during this transition. Our phone numbers and email addresses will not change, and you can still reach us by phone at: 281-894-7222. In addition to more therapy rooms, we will be gaining a large Community Engagement Room! We are excited about the many future community events we’ll be hosting there.
Please bring a friend along and plan to visit us at our new location.
Along with this opportunity to expand, we are met with challenges that often come with growth. We need our community now more than ever. Since our founding in 2005, YOU, our community, have supported our mission and clients every step of the way. We are committed to serving the children, veterans, crime victims, families, teens, first-responders, and individuals who need professional counseling and services but have nowhere else to turn.
We will be launching additional programs, community events, support groups, and educational workshops in the coming year. Our GEMs (Givers Every Month) have been the bedrock of Shield-Bearer.
We hope you will join this family of givers by pledging $19 a month or more. That’s less than .64 cents a day – yet it will make a lasting and tangible difference in lives right here in your neighborhood.
If you would like to become a GEM, please send me an email or give me a call: tcardine@shieldbearer.org / 281-894-7222. Your monthly support will have a transformative impact, and we will include you in our family of GEM get-together invitations throughout the year. You can also sign up online to be a Shield Bearer GEM Here!
Our new location is going to require both construction and furnishing. If you would like to help finance the costs of this exciting project, please donate HERE.
Have a blessed Advent and Christmas, and we ask that you remember Shield Bearer in your end-of-year giving and keep all of our counselors and clients in your prayers.
Thad Cardine,
Executive Director