In theory, a person with an addictive personality is more likely to gain an addiction than a person without. Watching for the traits of an addictive personality can play an important part in mental health.
Addictive personality is commonly associated with unhealthy habits, drug addiction, alcoholism, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, irritability, taking unnecessary risks, and depression. People with addictive personalities often manage their traits through self-regulation and self-reflection.
By understanding addictive personality and recognizing its traits, you should be able to identify if you or someone you love are at risk. Consult experts at shieldbearer.org if you need help.
What are Addictive Personalities?
An addictive personality is more of a hypothesized summary of a person’s thought process rather than an actual diagnosis of their mind. There are not enough statistics to distinctly trace how many people have addictive personalities because it is undiagnosable and largely hypothetical.
In concept, a person with an addictive personality is more likely to form and maintain one or more addictions. These addictions can be to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, hobbies, collections, and other activities or substances. People with addictive personalities are believed to share personality traits and may experience identical swings and impulses during the addiction. They often partake in the addiction to intentionally sway their mood.
“Addictive personality” is somewhat controversial, with many industry experts claiming the label is used to enforce dated stigmas about addiction and that it influences unfair judgments. All studies of an addictive personality should be taken with a grain of salt but are still beneficial in fighting addiction.
For a generalized example, a person with an addiction to eating ice cream may demonstrate their addictive personality when:
- eating ice cream because they’re in a bad mood
- eating ice cream out of boredom
- eating ice cream without being able to stop
- eating more ice cream than is healthy
- getting angry when they can’t eat ice cream
Identifying Addictive Personality
Addictive personality often shows in different ways and at different times for different people. Being aware of its most common traits will help you identify if you have or are at risk of an addictive personality.
Having these traits does not automatically mean you have an addictive personality. Many people who show certain traits may not have an addictive personality (even if they use substances or do activities that are otherwise addictive). No two people are the same, and no one knows you like you.
Below are some of the most identifiable personalities and traits that may hint at an addictive personality (or mean you’re at risk).
Lacking self-regulation is one of the most common traits among people with addictive personalities. A person who lacks self-regulation may not be able to control their impulses or their behavior when anticipating something. This behavior links to forming and maintaining addictions. Whether one has an addictive personality or not, working on self-regulation is one of the best ways to break a bad habit or addiction.
Obsessive, Compulsive, or Low Impulse
A person with low impulse control or an obsessive-compulsive personality may be more at risk of addiction, or they may have gained these traits from an addictive personality. Studies have found that obsessive-compulsive patterns like OCD may take form through addiction. Additionally, a person with low impulse may be more likely to partake in the substance/activity.
An addiction may bring out these addictive personality traits even more. Addiction often compels someone to partake in the substance/activity more and possibly even obsess over it.
High Risks
The “risk-taking” trait is commonly associated with an addictive personality. People who take on great risks and adventures usually have higher levels of dopamine, according to a study by Reuters. This high-dopamine count puts them at greater risk for addiction, as the “highs” and “lows” are hypothetically greater.
High Cautions
The “highly cautious” trait is on the other side from the “risk-taking” trait. People with this trait may tend to be more disconnected, anxious, lonely, depressed, and/or uncomfortable in social situations. According to studies, people with this trait may be more likely to form an addiction to cope with its symptoms and may gain an unhealthy dependency.
There is no true diagnosis for an addictive personality and most experts disagree on whether or not the term should be used. However, as long as you reflect without stigma, judgments, or bias and see these traits as guidelines, identifying an addictive personality should be a healthy and positive experience. Visit CBD Clinicals to know more about CBD’s benefits in addressing substance abuse.