Depression is real and it has serious consequences on our health, relationships, and life in general. Shield Bearer is here to help anyone who needs healing and recovery because of donations from our community.
“When I first called Shield-Bearer just a month or so after the COVID-19 pandemic rocked our world, I was struggling with codependent relationships and dealing with the isolation that came about because of the lockdowns. I had experienced a series of emotionally abusive relationships and was in great pain and couldn’t find the willpower to get back on my feet. My counselor showed me coping mechanisms and how to rationally process my feelings. She helped me to understand why I was in this loop of bad relationships and supported me so that I could address the root causes. With her help, I was able to make a plan to improve my health and my future.
For such a long time, I had gone without treatment for what I learned were multiple mental health-related issues. I have had bouts of depression since I was a teenager. My parents even had me on multiple medications for a while, but as soon as I moved out I stopped receiving care and just got on with my life. A year ago, I was just too depressed to eat. I lost a lot of weight and before I knew it I was wallowing in my own misery. This only made me feel weak and guilty. I hit rock bottom and was writing out goodbye letters to my friends and family because I could not see the end of my darkness. Before beginning sessions at Shield Bearer, I had lost hope. All my physical strength had been drained from my body. But through therapy, I went from feeling intolerable amounts of emotional, even physical, pain to feeling healthy, strong, confident, and positive. I am so grateful my pastor was able to recommend Shield-Bearer.” – Garett